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New Yorker Falls 40 Storeys and Lives to Tell The Tale

I’ve heard of some miracle stories in my time but this has to be one of the most extraordinary. A travelling car saves a falling man’s life. Thomas Magill, 22, of New York City, America, is believed to have plummeted 40 storeys from a New York building. Witnesses said he came down at 100mph and landed in the back seat of a Dodge Charger after smashing, feet first through the window.

“That’s a miracle if I’ve ever seen one. He should be a goner.”

“It was like the movie Unbreakable. That was this guy, unbreakable.”

“Just when he’s about to land, there was a boom of glass and like flying all over.” Witness Andrew Petrocelli told the New York Daily News. Due to the impact when Magill hit the car, his trainers flew off of his feet. “The car saved his live.” Petrocelli said. “He landed in there like a stunt man, it was amazing.”

The owner of the car Magill landed in told reporters he’s convinced it was the rosary beads that he kept inside the car saved Magills life.

Magill suffered from broken legs and police say he is in a critical condition. His father sent out a text asking family and friends to pray for his son.

Magill is not the first to fall from a multi-storey building and survive. Window-washer Aicides Moreno fell 47 storeys from the roof of a sky scraper back in December 2007, and survived.

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