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Supermarket Claims

If you have been involved in a Supermarket accident in the past three years then you could be entitled to claim compensation. If you suffered personal injury due to the accident and it wasn’t your fault then you may have a successful supermarket accident claim.

No matter what Supermarket you use, whether it is ASDA, Morrison’s, Tesco or a local supermarket they owe you as a customer a duty of care. This means that it is their duty to ensure that you are safe whilst shopping at their facility.

Unfortunately not all accidents can be avoided, that is why most large supermarkets have a system which ensures they carry out regular checks, clean up any spillages and even keep a written record of their cleaning programme. 

If you believe that you have a compensation claim then you should contact a solicitor. They will then discuss that claim in detail with you, and give you guidance on what to do next.

As with all compensation claims, Injury Lawyers work on a genuine no win, no fee basis. This means that you will receive 100% compensation if your claim is to be successful.

What to do

If you are involved in a supermarket accident then there are a number of steps that you must take to ensure you get injury compensation.

  • Record your accident in the supermarket accident book: All supermarkets have an accident book. It is important that you report any accidents to the store manager. They should then write your accident in the book.
  • Record any witness details: Supermarkets are busy places, this means that there will normally always be someone around to witness your accident. It is important you get as many contact details as possible. They will be able to tell us exactly what happened, backing up your claim. 
  • Take photos of the scene: Any photos taken will help your solicitor when pursuing your claim. They will count towards sufficient evident of the hazard which caused you injury.
  • Seek medical advice: In order to claim compensation for a supermarket accident you must seek medical advice. On visiting your GP you should also make them aware that you were involved in a supermarket accident, they can then add this to your medical records. 

All of the above will help both you and your solicitor when dealing with your claim.

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