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Accidents in Shopping Centres

Walking around our local shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon is a day of leisure, especially for the ladies, some men might not hold the same opinion. Nether the less we still enjoy it; it’s what some of us look forward to all week, especially after payday.

Shopping centres can be busy places especially on the weekends and around Christmas. Thousands of people under one roof, rushing around to find the latest bargains. There are bound to be a few toes that get stepped on.

What we don’t realise is that shopping centres can be dangerous places, and would be if it weren’t for the staff that carry out risk assessments, and clean up spillages, keeping possible hazards to an absolute minimum. Although they do everything in their power to keep the accidents to a minimum, some accidents unfortunately can’t be prevented. Even though cleaners are always on duty carrying out the necessary checks, there are bound to be things such as spillages that go unnoticed.

Minor spillages can cause big accidents, and unfortunately serious injuries. All shopping centres will have CCTV and people on site that carry out checks on a regular basis. If you do become involved in an accident whilst visiting your local shopping centre you may be able to make an injury compensation claim.

If you become involved in an accident you should:

  • Report the accident to a member of staff, they should then assess the situation and write it down in their accident book. Every shopping centre should have one of these.
  • Take the details of any witnesses; shopping centres are busy places so it is likely at least one person saw what happened.
  • Take the name, and ID number of the member of staff that assisted you after the accident.
  • Depending up on what injuries you have seek medical attention. A fall in any place can cause a whiplash injury, however this may not make itself known until a few days later.
  • Take photos of any visible injuries you have.

If you have been involved in an accident at a shopping centre you may be able to make a compensation claim. If you would like more information on accidents in shopping centres the Injury Lawyers will be able to tell you everything you need to know.

We will give you free legal advice, and if you choose us to take on your injury claim we will do this on a no win, no fee basis. Which means that every penny you get will go to you.

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