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Motorcycle Traffic Accidents Help Guide

The government are constantly promoting campaigns to make drivers aware of motorcyclists on our roads. One of the latest campaigns is called ‘Think…Bike’; this is to remind drivers to look twice before over taking and pulling out at junctions. It is harder to see a motorcycle than it is another car.

Accidents involving motorcycles are relatively high, and account for the highest cause of deaths on our roads. When placed next to other vehicles like cars, vans and lorries – motorcycles are the most vulnerable. Wearing protective clothing like their helmet, gloves and bodywear will help protect them but they are still at risk.

If you become involved in an accident with a motorcycle there a number of things both parties should do:

  • Swap contacts details, including name, telephone name and home address.
  • Take down each other’s insurance details, type and make of vehicle along with registration.
  • If any one is injured call the emergency services.
  • Take note of the exact time and date of the accident.
  • If there were any witnesses to the accident take down their contact details.
  • Seek medical attention; they will be able to assess your injuries.

If you’ve been involved in a road traffic accident and it wasn’t your fault then you may be able to make a claim for injury compensation. In all accidents there is usually one party that showed more negligence than the other.

If you’re looking to make a claim for injury compensation here at the Injury Lawyers we advise that you do so through an independent law firm and not your insurance company. A lot of people that claim through their insurance are often under settled, as they don’t have the resources to fight for the compensation their victims deserve.

For more information contact the Injury Lawyers, we will give you free legal advice about the claim you are looking to pursue and fight on your behalf all the way.

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