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Taxi Accidents Passengers Can Claim Compensation

If you’ve been injured whilst a passenger in a taxi related accident in the last three years then you may be able to make a claim for compensation. A lot of people who have been injured in a taxi accident don’t think to claim for compensation because they are unaware of their rights when doing so.

Any passenger in a taxi that has been involved in an accident whether it was the taxi driver’s fault or another party’s fault may be able to make a claim. As a passenger in the taxi you are seen as the innocent party. The accident couldn’t have been you’re fault because you weren’t driving and there’s probably nothing you could have done to prevent the accident.

All of the above are a good basis for making a successful compensation claim. If you become involved in a taxi accident there are a number of things you should do:

  • Take down the identification number of the taxi driver along with the make of their vehicle and its registration number
  • If the accident involved another party, take down their contact details
  • Seek medical attention, they will be able to diagnose any injuries related to the accident such as a whiplash injury
  • Take photos of any visible injuries you have

All of the above will help if you choose to pursue making a claim for injury compensation. If you have been involved in a taxi accident and would like advice on what to do next then the Injury Lawyers can help.

We offer free legal advice to anyone looking to pursue a claim, and handle all injury compensation claims on a no win no fee basis. We believe that as the innocent party you have suffered enough and shouldn’t endure any further costs. That’s why every penny of compensation you are awarded will go to you.

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