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Accidents on a Night Out

A night out around our city centre is something a lot of us look forward to every week. It’s the end of the week and all we want to do is go out, relax and have a few drinks with friends. Especially around this time of year with events such as Halloween, Bonfire night, Xmas and New Years Eve coming up.

Events such as Halloween are celebrated around the world, and are one of the major diary events in pubs and clubs around the UK. Nights such as these are expected to bring out twice the expected amount of party-goers than on an average night out. With these increased numbers of party-goes out in your city centre it is likely that the queues to get in bars and clubs will be longer than usual.

With the amounts of people in the clubs the unfortunate event of an accident occurring increases, meaning that extra staff are needed on duty to keep accidents and any trouble to a minimum. Additional changes such as having extra door men on and more glass collectors can prevent some of the most drastic accidents. The smallest spillage on a dance floor might cause some body to trip and fall which may result in a serious injury.

Accidents such as trips and falls in pubs and clubs can cause injuries such as whiplash. Whiplash can either be a long or short term injury that affects the ligaments in the neck. It is caused when the neck is forced to jilt either sideways, backwards or forwards.

With any accident that wasn’t your fault and caused injury entitles you the right to make an injury compensation claim. However accidents that occur on nights out, involving alcohol can be slightly more complicated. You may still be able to make an injury compensation claim if you had consumed alcohol at the time of the accident, however depending on the amount you consumed may affect your claim.

When assessing an injury compensation claim a court looks at all possible factors that contributed towards the accident. If you were over the legal drink drive limit at the time of your accident it may be that a court finds that you have shown contributory negligence towards the injuries you sustained. This means that you can still make an injury compensation claim, but the amount you’re allowed to claim might be deducted based on the percentage they find you to have contributed.

If you would like more information on pursuing a possible injury compensation claim then contact the Injury Lawyers.

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