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Cat Attacks Postman

We’ve all had a good laugh at some of the stories in the news…but this is the one that has probably made me laugh the most in a long time. The Royal Mail has sent a letter to a family threatening to discontinue their service to their house due to a recent attack on their Postman by Lana the Tortoiseshell Cat. Her letterbox attacks on the postman prompted the Royal Mail to take further action.

To the family, Lana is a friendly cat but to postman Andrew Goater she is his worst nightmare. Mr Goater was scratched by Lana’s claws when he put his hand through the letterbox. As a result of the attack the Royal Mail has ordered her owners to keep her away from the front door or they face a ban on deliveries to their home.

When commenting on the issue Mr Goater said: “Normally you hear about postmen being attacked by the dog but this cat just came out of nowhere. It was a really vicious scratch.”

Although in this instance the news story is quite light-hearted, animal attacks can be quite serious. There have been a lot of dog attacks in the news recently, some of which required victims to under-go plastic surgery, and have numerous stitches to their body. Not only can they affect their victims physically they can also affect them mentally.

If you have been bitten by an animal it is essential you seek medical attention. Even house pets can carry diseases so you may need an injection to prevent a bite developing into an infection. Depending upon the type of animal attack you were subjected to you may be able to make an injury compensation claim.

In the unfortunate event of a dog attack you should contact the police, especially if this attack occurred in a public area. It may be that the dog has attacked someone before, and if it isn’t reported, could do so again. No dogs should be left to roam the streets and public places without the supervision of their owner, if they do the animal risks being taken away by the local dog warden.

If you have been a victim of a dog attack and suffered injuries due to this then you should contact the Injury Lawyers. We will then be able to give you the help and advice you need when pursuing you claim.

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