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The Joys of Learning to Drive

No matter how old you are, whether you are due to have your 17th birthday, or ared 31-years-old or even 50-years-old, learning to drive can be an exciting and terrifying time. The excitement is learning a new skill that will give you a sense of freedom that you’ve never had before. Driving opens so many doors; it allows us to go where we want whenever we want to. We no longer have to wait around or rely on other people anymore; it means no more sitting at the bus stop in the freezing cold weather.

When we first learn to drive it can seem almost impossible, like we’re never going to get the hang of it. Driving instructors usually start our first few lessons off by letting us get to know the vehicle, and where the controls are. This can seem like so much information to take in. Our first experience on the roads usually consists of us doing nothing but driving around in a circle and doing left turns.

After the first few lessons we eventually progress onto right-hand turns and putting the car in 4th gear. The key skill with driving is having patience to do things gradually, and after a while it all should come to you – hopefully. Some drivers on the roads get impatient with learner drivers, whether they get stuck behind one, or have to wait until they have finished their three-point turn in the road.

What other road uses seem to often forget is at some point in their driving life, no matter how long ago, they used to be the learner driver. If we look back long enough we can remember how it felt to have a trail of cars stuck behind us as we were told to stick to a speed way below the required speed limit. If we had our way we’d probably have put our foot down – however we had a driving instructor at the side of us who was watching our every move.

When learning to drive, our driving instructor is responsible for making sure we are driving in a safe manner, and must always be ready to correct us if we make a mistake. That is why it is illegal for them to use their mobile phone, because they need to be concentrating on the road. It is also the driving instructor’s responsibility to make sure that we feel confident and comfortable when driving on the more difficult roads.

If you become involved in a car accident whilst learning to drive, it can be enough to put you off getting back on the roads for a long time. Thankfully, your instructor will be with you at the time of the accident, so they will handle taking down all of the details of the other party involved. If you became injured in that accident and it wasn’t your fault, you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. Your driving instructor should give you his insurance details, along with the details of the other party involved upon request.

For more information about making a claim contact the Injury Lawyers.

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