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Using Your Local Swimming Pool and Avoiding Accidents

People of all ages can enjoy going swimming; it is a fun way to keep fit and makes for a great family day out. Whether it is leisure swimming you are taking part in, a swimming class or lane swimming, it is a more fun and relaxing way to keep fit. A lot of local swimming pools offer a range of swimming activities for people of all ages to take part in.

When you visit your local swimming pool there should be life guards on duty in the unfortunate event that an accident does happen. They should always be alert and nearby the pool keeping watch. It is also the lifeguard’s responsibility to make sure that those using the pool are doing so in safe manner.

There should also be signs around your local pool warning that you should not run around the pool, as it is wet and slippery, which could cause you injury. There should also be signs warning where non swimmers are allowed to go to, how deep the water is, and whether or not people are allowed to dive in the pool.

When on duty at a swimming pool lifeguards should be doing nothing else other than watching the pool and those using it. This means that they should not be engaged in conversation for a lengthy amount of time, nor should they be using their mobile phone or any other kind of distracting equipment.

If in the unfortunate event that an accident does happen, the lifeguard on site should warn other members of staff immediately. There may be an alarm they press or a radio they use to alert staff on site. They should then do everything in their power to make sure the other person is safe. This means getting them out of the water as soon as possible, and in many cases, contacting the emergency services.

Until the emergency services arrive, depending on the type of injury or accident the person has suffered, the lifeguard may need to carry out first aid. There should also now be a manager on site who will assist the lifeguard when doing so. Like any accident that takes place at a public facility, staff on site will need to fill out an accident report form.

If you have been involved in an injury at your local pool and believe the negligence of the lifeguards on site either caused or contributed to your injury, then you may be able to make an injury compensation claim. For more information, contact Te Injury Lawyers for free and friendly no obligation advice.

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