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What To Do If You or a Loved One Suffers From a Dog Attack

To a lot of us out there, a dog is a man’s best friend – they wait anxiously for us coming home from work, and seem rather excited to see us when we do. We walk them, talk to them, and feed them. If a stranger knocks at the front door our dog will bark to warn us that they do not recognise that person.

In the UK, a dog is one of the most popular animals kept as a pet, along with cats, rabbits, and hamsters. We have dogs as pets for a number of reasons – some of us have them as family pets, others have them to protect them if need be. Whatever the reason we have them, they say a dog is a companion for life.

There has been an increase in the number of dog attack stories in the news recently, which makes parents fear for their children’s safety. Most of the news stories have reported dog attacks on toddlers and young children. Some of the attacks on the children were by a family pet, and now animal groups such as the RSPCA are urging parents not to leave their child unsupervised with a dog.

Other attacks have happened on the street by illegal breeds of dog. The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 was introduced after a number of serious dog attacks were carried out by certain breeds. The government brought in this new Act to prevent the public from such an attack in the future. The Act prohibits the ownership of certain types of dogs, unless they are on the Index of Exempt Dogs:

  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Japanese Tosa

According to DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), these dog types are not classified by breed, but by type – meaning that if a dog fits the physical characteristics of one of these four breeds ,then it is a banned animal, and the owners can be prosecuted.

If you do suffer from a dog attack there are a number of things you should do:

  • Get the contact details including the name, address, and contact number of the dog’s owner. The police will need this when looking into the attack.
  • Seek medical attention – dog attacks can be extremely serious, and it is important that you get your injuries assessed professionally. It may be that you need an injection to fight off any disease.
  • Report the attack to the police: this will bring the dog and its owner to the police’s attention. They will then be able to investigate the attack, and hopefully prevent it from happening again to anybody else.
  • Contact the Injury Lawyers: after you have sought the medical attention you need, and you have informed the police of the incident, you may wish to make an injury compensation claim.

For more information on dog attack claims, speak to the Injury Lawyers for free and friendly advice about claiming for compensation.

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