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How Sporting Injuries Are Caused

Sport is something a lot of us have been brought up with from such a young age. It may be that our dad followed the local football team, or that our older sister regularly took part in athletics. Whatever the reason, sport has grown to play a huge part in British culture.

Sport  not only leads to a healthy lifestyle, but it is a hobby many of us enjoy. There are a variety of sports that we can take part in throughout the UK, some indoors, some outdoors. For those of us who can’t bare the cold, I’d say it’s best to stick to the indoor sports.

For those of us who watch sport we will be aware that sporting accidents are actually quite common. When we watch a football game, it is extremely likely that at some point during that game we will see a player get injured and taken off the pitch. Some sporting accidents can be minor and simply require those taking part to rest for a while. Others can have extreme effects on those injured, and may prevent them from taking part in any sport for a long time.

Sporting accidents, such as head on collisions, can cause injuries such as whiplash. Whiplash is an injury caused when the head is forced to jolt sideways, backwards or forwards. Depending on the type of whiplash injury you suffer, it can have serious implications on your everyday life. Some whiplash injuries take a few days to make themselves noticed, so it may not be until after the accident that you feel pain around your neck.

Other injuries caused by sporting accidents are broken bones or torn ligaments. These types of injuries are extremely serious and it is likely that if suffered you will not be able to take part in any sport until you have recovered from your injuries. Broken bones can take months to heal, meaning you may not be able to play sport for six months or more.

There are many causes to sporting injuries; it may be that you collided with another player and received n injury as a result. Other injuries may be caused by the officials failing to set up the equipment correctly; this could happen in sports such as athletics, or gymnastics. It may even be that another player purposely fouled you, causing you an injury.

After any accident, it is vital that you seek medical attention. If the accident was caused by the negligence of another person or company, you may be able to make an injury compensation claim.

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