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Working at a Height Claims

Many careers are obviously ones which entail working at a height; these include those in the building trade, TV aerial installers, or tree surgeons.  Working at heights, however, can cover any one of us – for example a receptionist being asked to change a light bulb at height or a librarian attempting to reach items high up on shelving.  So we can see that this type of situation can affect any one of us, so personal injuries resulting from working at height situations are becoming increasingly more common.

If an employer asks or expects their employee to work at a height then they must comply with the Working At Height Regulations 2005.  You do not need to know the full detail of this legislation, but it is useful to know a few key points.  Working at height should be properly supervised and planned – the correct safety gear and equipment should be checked prior to use and should then be used accordingly.

An employer that oversees employees working at height should know at least the minimum requirements of the Working At Height Regulations.  If these regulations are not followed correctly then there is a high chance that an accident could occur: the most common of these accidents being falling from ladders, falling from scaffolding, or falling from a roof.

If an accident does occur whilst at work it is important that it is reported to someone within the company as an accident report may need to be filled out.  It is also important that you seek the attention of a medical professional so they can assist your injury and a record can be made in your medical notes.  Lastly, you may want to check if there were any witnesses to your accident, and if needed, take their details should you need their assistance in a later personal injury claim

Many careers, such as those in the building trade, do not have the perks of sick pay – being absent from work due to a personal injury can bring further financial hardship.  This is why it is important to instruct a specialist personal injury solicitor without delay so they can push through your claim and make applications for interim payments for you.  Interim payments are compensation payments which are made before settlement to relieve any current financial hardship the claimant is suffering.

If you have been involved in an accident whilst working at a height and it was not your fault then you may have a compensation claim.  We at The Injury Lawyers work hard to provide the highest levels of client care, and we always ensure to reward our clients with the highest possible compensation.

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