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Fast Compensation Claims

The Letter of Claim is an essential part of your personal injury claim.  It is the first significant piece of correspondence between your lawyers and the Defendant, and lets the Defendant know, by way of writing, of your accident and the injuries you have suffered.  It is therefore of vital importance in order to get the ball rolling on your claim that the Letter of Claim contains sufficient and clear information about your claim.  It means that the Defendant can start their investigations of the claim and then come back to your lawyers with their position on liability as soon as possible.

Your Letter of Claim must contain ‘a clear summary of the facts on which the claim is based with an indication of the nature of any injuries suffered…’  In other words, the Letter of Claim must tell the Defendant exactly what your accident was, and the injuries you have subsequently sustained.  We at The Injury Lawyers are experts in the field of personal injury claims and always produce a thorough Letter of Claim on your behalf.  Producing the Letter of Claim is a task that does not take long in itself, especially when it is being created by a lawyer with years and years of experience.  However, there is nothing like a helping hand.  We can only produce your Letter of Claim when we have all the clear facts of your case.  The more you can help us establish the facts of your case at the earliest opportunity, the quicker we can get your Letter of Claim produced sooner.  And in the end that means that you are likely to receive the compensation you may be entitled to faster!  So, what can you do to help?  Here are a couple of examples:

  • If you have tripped on a piece of defective pathway, we need to know the exact location of this piece of pathway.  The name of the street on which you tripped is always a good start.  But it is even more helpful if you can tell us where on the street the piece of defective pathway is.  For example, is the defect ‘directly outside the gate of 12 Baker Street’ or ‘right next to the manhole which is adjacent to the phone box outside the Golden Lion pub’?  Alternatively, both photographs and Google maps marked with an ‘X’ are great ways of demonstrating where an accident took place.
  • If you have an accident at work when using work equipment it is important that we know exactly what the equipment is and what it does.  The technical name of the equipment is always a good way to get things going, as is a clear description of how it works.  Again, photographs are always useful and so is the precise location of the equipment in your workplace.

At The Injury Lawyers we cannot stress how extremely useful it is when we able to ascertain the clear facts of your case.  In fact, not only does it help us get your Letter of Claim ready sooner, but it also ensures that the Defendant cannot slow your claim down by coming back to us with questions regarding your accident.  If we tell the Defendant everything they need to know from the start and in a clear manner, there should not be any reason for them to ask us for further information or to clarify certain points.  It all goes a long way in making sure you get the compensation you may deserve in the fastest time possible.

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