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Losses – What Can I Claim?

Personal injury claims are on the increase.  This is partly due to the no win, no fee system making it financially easier for claimants to proceed with their claims.  One of the most frequently asked questions at The Injury Lawyers hear is – Can I claim for x or y? If the answer is yes, it can normally follow – Well, I don’t know where the receipt is for that!

In view of the above, and to resolve any confusion, we at The Injury Lawyers feel the need to explain the possible items of loss, which you may not have even considered, that can be claimed from the other side if they admit fault.

The first and probably one of the most important items of loss a claimant may be able to claim back is loss of earnings.  Now, if you have been off work due to your accident, this time off work may be able to be claimed back. To support this claim normally around 13 weeks of pay slips are needed in proof of this loss.  Even if you have not taken time off work unpaid, but taken them as holidays, these, depending on your employer, may be able to be claimed back. The money to buy them back can be claimed as part of your losses.

Care and assistance is another item of loss which you may not have considered to be recoverable.  This is where you have not been able to care for yourself or complete your normal daily domestic chores such as cleaning, shopping or preparing meals due to your injuries, and so have had someone to complete or assist with these – this time can be claimed back at an hourly rate and be payable to the carer/ carers.  However, it must be of note that what you ask for may not be what you receive from the other side.

Other items of loss can be treatment costs, prescription costs, and costs for travelling to and from medical appointments.  In summary, they are many losses which are recoverable but the claimant must keep a log of all of these if they are not updating their solicitor with them on a regular basis.  The claimant must also keep any relevant receipts in a safe place as these will support any claim for loss made.

All the losses suffered by the claimant are included in a Schedule of Loss which the claimant approves.  These losses are pleaded separately to your injury compensation however, in settlement they may all be paid together in one lump sum.

This is a very brief summary regarding losses.  At The Injury Lawyers we can fully advise on all aspects of loss as a consequence of an accident which was not your fault.  The Injury Lawyers work hard on your behalf to get you the highest possible amount of compensation – so give us a call for free and friendly advice!

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