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Food Claims

Go on, admit it – it’s quite nice to bite into a burger now and again (or even more regularly!)  We all know, in an age where eating healthily is rammed home on a frequent basis, that tucking into a burger isn’t the best thing for us.  But come on, that’s not going to stop us; they can be extremely tasty and that is probably because they are ‘bad’ for us.  Question is, which burger do you go for? Do you prefer a Big Mac from McDonalds, a Whopper from Burger King, a more ‘classier’ burger from Gourmet Burger Kitchen, or maybe one from a burger van or kebab shop for example?  I know which one I prefer and it certainly isn’t one from a kebab shop! That said, if you know a kebab shop that does a delicious burger feel free to get in touch and let me know.  Anyway, before I get totally distracted by the thought of burgers, I must get to the point of this blog.  It came to my attention today that someone was injured having eaten a burger from McDonalds.

I don’t know about you, but I imagine you would all agree, you certainly do not expect to sustain an injury when eaten a burger – especially from a reputable fast food company.  However, this is precisely what happened to Kev Smith according to the Cambridge News.  It would seem that Mr Smith who had bought a burger from a McDonald’s restaurant broke his tooth having bitten down onto a piece of metal in his burger.  Now I cannot imagine for one second that McDonald’s have introduced a new metallic burger range and it therefore does not come as a surprise to learn that Mr Smith was awarded £1,000 compensation for the injuries he sustained.

As a result of the accident Mr Smith has had to visit the dentist on five occasions to sort his dental problems.  Subsequently McDonalds has issued an apology and Mr Smith obtained £1,000 in compensation.  This was because McDonalds have a duty of care to their customers to ensure that the food they serve is safe for consumption.  Obviously, a burger containing a foreign object, in this case a piece of metal, constitutes a breach of this duty.  Mr Smith suffered a personal injury through no fault of his own, but because of the negligence of the McDonalds restaurant in question.  If you have a similar story you may likewise be entitled to compensation.  You expect the food you are served to be safe; indeed those who serve you food must ensure that it is safe to eat.  So, if you have sustained an injury due to a foreign object being found in your food, it is important that you seek free legal advice from a quality personal injury who will help you obtain the compensation you may deserve.

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