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The Whiplash Claim Guide

It seems we are forever in a traffic jam – we sit in traffic going to and from work and even heading to the shop on a Saturday.  This is all symptomatic of people’s lives being busier and generally more people having cars.  Today, despite the heavy cost, many households may have up to three cars sat in the driveway.

In view of the above it is no surprise that road traffic accidents are on the increase.  Many of the victims of these accidents are then left with a whiplash injury.  If you are one of these such victims and the accident was not your fault, then you may have a claim for compensation.

Whiplash can occur from a road traffic collision. It may even occur as a result of a fall from a height.  It is caused when the head is suddenly and violently jolted away from the body.

At The Injury Lawyers we have witnessed increasing numbers of our clients suffering from whiplash injuries.  We therefore thought it wise to reaffirm our advice for whiplash claims for our blog readers to peruse.

  1. Symptoms – these can include neck pain and stiffness, neck swelling, reduced or even loss of movement in the neck, and even headaches. The symptoms are often not apparent straight after an accident and tend to be experienced 6-12 hours later.  The symptoms can then usually begin to worsen for up to week.
  2. Report the accident and get medical attention – it is important to report the accident to the Police who may want to fill out a report.  You should also seek out medical attention for your injuries either with your GP or at an A and E department.  This allows the medic to make a note in your medical records.
  3. Seek out an expert personal injury lawyer – it is advisable that this is done with a solicitors firm directly and not through referral agents.  Referral agents are not solicitors and therefore only act as middle men for your claim.  This means that they may simply sell on your claim to the highest bidder rather than the firm who will give you the best service.
  4. Time limits – you have three years from the date of the accident in which to bring your claim.  However, it is best to bring your claim as soon as possible when the events are fresh in your mind.

At The Injury Lawyers we have vast amounts of experience in dealing with whiplash claims.  We work hard to achieve the best possible amounts of compensation for our client. So feel free to get in touch for some friendly advice!

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