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Can You Smell Gas?

The Star reports that a worker in South Yorkshire has suffered serious problems with their breathing since being exposed to a ‘strong and unpleasant smell’ at an Esso Oil refinery.  Subsequently, Mr Wood, the worker, is seeking compensation in excess of £1million.  The Star states that back in 2005 Mr Wood was exposed to an odd smelling gas whilst at work and has since suffered breathing problems.  However, it is also suggested that there may not in fact be any link between the smell and Mr Wood’s injuries.

The article explains that Mr Wood’s barrister is hoping that the judge assigned to this case will make a finding that the gas that Mr Wood smelt was indeed harmful and that a link can be found between the accident and Mr Wood’s injuries.  It would seem that there may possibly be a link because Mr Wood was well before he undertook his job at the Esso oil refinery and only hours after being exposed to the smell Mr Wood has never been the same and has had to use very strong inhalers to ease his condition.

This certainly is a very intriguing case because it will be a hard task to link the substance Mr Wood smelt to the breathing problems he has suffered.  His Barrister claims that all of the explanations as to Mr Wood’s health problems, this one is the ‘least improbable’.  After all, the smell did lead to an alarm being set off and all the workers at the refinery were required to vacate the premises.  Nonetheless Esso are denying liability and the case continues.

As you can imagine this is a particularly hard case to argue because no direct link has yet been found between the smell and Mr Wood’s problems.  So, what can you do if you are in a similar situation?  Well, you must contact a quality, professional injury lawyer who can provide you with some free legal advice.  If for example you work for an oil refinery and you believe that you have suffered problems as a result of being exposed to a noxious gas in your work environment, it is important that you let people know.  You may be entitled to compensation and with some free legal advice and representation, your lawyers can help you obtain the compensation you may be entitled to.  Yes, it may be the case that the case will be hard to prove, or in fact that your problems are not related to your work environment, but this is the only way to find out.  It is no good keeping quiet when you may be entitled to compensation to place you in the position you would have been had the accident not occurred.

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