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Accidents on a Night Out

We all love going on an evening out, whether it be going to the pub after work, going for a dance in a night club, or at a bar for a chat with friends.  We get all dressed up and excited about the forthcoming evenings events.  It is the farthest thing from our minds that we may have an accident that was not our fault causing us an injury.

Well, we at The Injury Lawyers have many clients come to us after having an injury on a night out, and so in view of this we write this blog to educate and inform.  Many of our clients think that they cannot claim for their accident as they had consumed alcohol on the evening in question; well, our answer to that would be that we assess your claim free of charge so there is nothing to lose in trying.  Depending on the circumstances, consumption of alcohol does not mean you cannot bring a claim.

There are many possible hazards whilst on a night out which could cause you an injury.  These include spillages on the floor causing a slip hazard, broken glass on the floor which could cause lacerations to the foot, or exacerbate a fall injury, or even if an injury is caused through the club/bar/pub being overcrowded.  If someone slips on a spillage and pulls you down with them you may also be able to bring a claim.

If you have an accident whilst on a night out it is important to report it to an official of the venue as they may need to make a report of it in an accident book.  Check if anyone witnessed your accident and take a note of their contact details – they may be able to provide valuable support to a later claim.  Seek medical assistance for your injuries either at an A and E department that night or at your GP in the following days.  It is important to seek out a specialist personal injury lawyer who can deal with your claim.  Go to a solicitor directly and not to a referral agency as agents may simply sell on your claim to another law firm rather than to the firm who will give you the best level of service.

At The Injury Lawyers we do not use referral agents as all our clients come to us directly. We work hard on your behalf to get you the best possible amount of compensation, and use the extra money we don’t waste on referral fees to fight harder for your compensation and provide you with the fastest service possible.

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