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Bikers Be Aware – Road Traffic Accidents

The title of this blog may be referring to motorbikers – however, this blog could refer equally to cyclists, users of mopeds and similar vehicles, as all these road users are of a particular vulnerability when compared to car, van, or truck drivers.

Many accidents involving the vehicles above can occur due to defective road surfaces, items left in the road, or the meeting of traffic at junctions and roundabouts.

It is important that if you have been involved in a road accident to report it to the Police as they may want to compile a report about the incident.  Seeking medical attention for your injuries, whether it be at A and E or at your GP, is important as they can assess your injuries and make a note in your medical records. Obtain photographic evidence of your injuries and keep them safe – this could provide valuable evidence for a later personal injury claim.

Check if there were any witnesses to your accident and obtain their details as they can also be important in any later claim you may have. Seek out a specialist personal injury lawyer directly. I say directly as many referral firms want your claim to sell on to another law firm.  This may mean you end up with the firm that has paid a huge amount of money on “buying” your case; you may end up with a lower level of service as the firm that has “bought” your case will have less money to spend on you and your claim. 

Ensure you bring your claim as soon as possible when the events are clear in your mind.  In most cases you have three years from the accident date to bring a claim – you may be unable to claim after more than 3 years after the date of an accident.

A last reason to bring a personal injury claim as soon as possible is to get payments much quicker.  If you are suffering financial hardship as a result of your claim, a specialist personal injury lawyer can make applications for interim payments.  These are payments which can be paid to you, the claimant, before your case has settled; the claimant therefore does not have to potentially wait for lengthy periods of time for their case to come to a conclusion.

At The Injury Lawyers we work hard to get our clients the best possible amounts of compensation.  We have a policy to update our clients every 2 weeks to ensure our cases are consistently worked on and reviewed, and our clients are always up to speed.

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