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Claiming for Compensation – Losses

We have many clients here at The Injury lawyers who come to us after an accident and ask us which losses they are entitled to claim for.  The time after an accident can be confusing as to how to proceed with a claim, and you may be in a fragile state due to events you have experienced.  This is why at The Injury Lawyers we write these blogs to inform and educate you about a range of aspects surrounding a personal injury claim.

There are many losses which can be claimed as a result of an accident which was not your fault.  At the outset of any claim, any good personal injury lawyer, upon verifying you do have a claim, should be explaining all the types of losses you are entitled to. 

Here are some of the more common losses you are entitled to claim for as part of your case:

  1. Loss of earnings – any loss of earnings you have suffered as a result of the accident you should be able to claim for.  If you are employed, a solicitor will normally ask you for 13 weeks of pay slips for both before and after your accident.  This enables the solicitor to calculate an average of your earnings over this time and to add this to your claim.  If you could not afford to have unpaid leave, and instead used holiday time, this in some cases may be recompensed.  Some employers may have a buy back policy which allows employees to buy back their lost holiday – this buy back money may form part of a losses claim.  If you are self employed you will normally be asked for 3 years of profit / loss accounts. This enables your solicitor to calculate an average of your earnings over this period.
  2. Care and assistance – any care or assistance you have received with personal care, general domestic chores, preparing meals, or being taken to the shops etc can be claimed for at an hourly rate.  Any losses received for this from the other side is then payable to the carer.  It must be of note that the other side may not pay the entire amount requested.
  3. Travel – Any travel you have had to do as a result of your claim may be claimed for as part of your losses.  This can include travel to places such as medical appointments or treatment venues.
  4. Other losses – treatment costs, prescriptions costs (if you pay them), and loss of enjoyment of holiday.

This is by no means an exhaustive list and there are many more items which may be applied for.  Any specialist personal injury solicitor can advise you regarding this.

Feel free to get in touch for further information on any losses you are entitled to claim for as part of your compensation case.

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