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Council Accidents

Today I have come across a horrific story involving an 11 year old girl who has had her thigh impaled by spiked chain fencing.  The Herts Advertiser reports that Maisie was on her way home having returned a book to her local library when she tripped and fell and ended up impaling her thigh on a spike.  As a result, the unfortunate Maisie has been left with scar, having had to have eight stitches, and continues to suffer from traumatic nightmares which revisit the accident.  As her GP said, had Maisie have landed on her head or stomach, the results could have been much, much worse.  Maisie, as you can now imagine, is conscious of wearing skirts at school because these scan expose her scarring, and unfortunately other children have a tendency to stare at things a little bit different.

Maisie’s mother is also now seeking compensation on her behalf.  Because Maisie is 11 years old, and therefore cannot be classed as an adult, she is required to have someone to act on her behalf, also known as a Litigation Friend, or to wait until she is 18 to make her claim.  Her mother is seeking compensation from the council because of the injuries suffered by her daughter.  It would appear that it is not clear exactly why the spiked railings were there in the first place, because they seem to just protect a patch of grass.  She therefore wants justification of their use and compensation to place Maisie in the position she would have been in had she not have had the accident and suffered the injuries she did.  At this point in time the local council have not responded and the case continues.

If you, or somebody you know, has had an accident whilst they have been walking about a town or city centre and have subsequently sustained an injury, it may be that they could make a claim for compensation.  Your local council is responsible for all the highways, paths and common areas in your town and city, and owes you a duty of care to ensure that you do not suffer an injury when going about your everyday business.  Here at The Injury Lawyers we have pursued thousands of claims against our clients’ local councils and have been able to obtain substantial sums in compensation for them.  If you feel that you have a potential claim then please ensure you get in contact with a quality personal injury lawyer who can provide you with some free legal advice.

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