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Injury Claims Advice

There are many questions you might ask when it comes to making a claim for compensation:

  • Do I have a claim?
  • How much am I entitled to claim for?
  • When should I make the claim?
  • Who should I instruct to deal with my claim?

There can be many more questions as well – it’s a confusing time after an accident to know exactly what to do. So, here’s a little advice that may just help you out!

Do I have a Claim for Compensation?

If the accident was not your fault, then you may have a claim. You can make a claim if you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence. Road accidents are common instances when another driver’s negligence can lead to an accident. If another driver causes a crash with you, you have a claim for compensation from their insurance.

If you are injured at work because your employer has failed in the duty of care they have for you (whether its failing to provide right or working equipment, protective equipment, training, supervision, or assistance), you can claim from your employers insurance. Both of these are very common – and claiming from the insurance is a legal right you have.

If you fall or trip or slip because the ground you are walking on is unsafe, you can make a claim from the insurance held by the premises owner, or local council / highways authority if the accident happened out and about in the streets.

How Much am I Entitled to Claim For?

This is a tough question to answer. It’s all about the severity, length, and impact of your suffering. Realistically, the only way to value your injuries is with a fully qualified, expert personal injury lawyer and a proper medical report. There is no other way – all we can do is give you estimates or guidelines based on the guidelines we as lawyers use to value claims with medical evidence.

For example – for a minor whiplash injury, you could be entitled to claim for around £2,500. This is based on statistics and averages. The way to guarantee a maximum payout is to instruct an expert personal injury lawyer.

When Should I Make the Claim?

NOW! It’s better to get things done straight away than wait for a while. The events will be fresh in your mind, and your lawyers will arrange for private medical care at no costs to you so your recovery will be significantly assisted by getting the claim started earlier.

In a slightly more daunting light of things, we do get a lot of calls from people who have left it too late. I know there can be a lot of mitigating circumstances – but you wouldn’t believe the amount of calls we get from people within weeks from the three year limitation date asking us to assist; and we simply can’t.

Yes – you have three years from the date to make a claim; what this means is that you must have either settled your claim or issued court proceedings to protect your claim before this date expires. But, issuing court proceedings can take time. So, never leave it until last minute – or you may end up stuck without a claim.

Who Should I Instruct to Deal with my Claim?

The only way to guarantee maximum compensation in the shortest possible time is to instruct a specialist firm of expert personal injury lawyers. Ensure you get a Genuine No Win No Fee service which guarantees you are never charged, and legal fees are limited to recovery from the other side: meaning your lawyers cannot charge you for a successful claim.

Ensure you get the highest service levels:

  • Regular contact: at least every 14 days.
  • Same Day Service: a promise that all post, emails, everything on your case is dealt with on the same day.
  • Private Medical Care: you should be offered private medical at no cost to you from the outset of the case.

For further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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