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Road Accident Claims

I think that most I us are realising that the roads are getting busier and busier. I only started driving a few years ago and I can see a marked difference in the number of cars on the road.   With this increase in the volume of traffic comes the potential increase in the amount of road traffic accidents that are taking place. If you have been in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation.

Road traffic accidents tend to happen most predominantly at traffic meeting spots such as junctions and roundabouts – it is these places where a lot of people may be fighting for space, thus causing a collision, or they are simply not paying the necessary care and attention to the road and fail to notice that traffic is slowing in front of them. Whilst driving in an areas such as large, multi-laned roundabouts, it also becomes apparent those drivers who do not know where they are going and trying to change lanes at the last moment or are too busy looking at their map/sat navto take heed to the traffic around them are a clear danger.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident it is important to report the accident to police if necessary, who may want to compile a report. It is important to seek medical attention for your injuries; this not only assists with the injuries but allows the medic to place a note in your medical records. Check for witnesses to the accident and if they are present obtain their contact details as they may be able to provide valuable support to any later claim you may have.  Ensure seek the advice of a specialist injury lawyer; many law firms will give a free assessment to your claim whether they are able to take it on or not. It is advisable to seek advice directly from a law firm as there are many referral agents out there wanting your business to simply sell your claim on to a paying law firm rather than the firm who will give you the best service.

At The Injury Lawyers, we not only have a vast amount of experience in dealing with road traffic accidents and whiplash claims, but will also assist with your compensation,recovery, and vehicle damages.

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