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Have you got a claim?

It seems that many more people are becoming aware of their rights when it comes to claiming for a personal injury.  This may be due to the increased amount of advertisements on television and radio heightening awareness for people who have had an accident that was not their fault.

With the above in consideration, many clients still come to us entirely unsure and unconfident in the fact they have a valid personal injury claim for compensation.

Claims for personal injury can stem from all sorts of different accidents and types of personal injury; I have listed some of these below:

  1. Road traffic accident – these are one of our most common claims here at The Injury Lawyers with clients suffering anything from minor whiplash to more serious injuries. For more recent road traffic accidents a new system has been put in place making the whole claims process much more streamlined, simple, and fast; thus giving faster results to claimants.
  2. Clinical negligence – if you feel you have had inadequate treatment by a medical professional and this has caused you a personal injury or exacerbated suffering, you may have a claim for compensation.
  3. Accidents at work – if you have had an accident at work and it was not your fault then you may have a claim for compensation. At The Injury Lawyers we realise that claiming against your employer can be difficult task; however, it must be of note that employers should not treat you any differently because of it.  Examples of accidents at work include a fall from a height, injuries stemming from a lack of/inappropriate personal protection equipment, or even industrial diseases such as vibration white finger.
  4. Accidents in a supermarket – there are many potential hazards in a supermarket which can include slipping on a spillage, tripping on an item left on the floor of an aisle, or an item falling on you from a poorly stacked shelf. Supermarkets like anywhere else have a duty to protect their customers as far as is reasonably possible from harm. If you have had an accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation.

At The Injury Lawyers we give free assessment of claims whether we take the claim on or not. We take all our claim on using our genuine no win no fee agreement.

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