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Slipping Claims

Slipping up can be the butt of many a joke; this could be due to the many a used comedy scene whereby a person may slip on an item such as a banana skin. This being said however, slipping and falling in reality is no laughing matter. At The Injury Lawyers we have seen many a serious injury caused through what may at first seem to be a minor slip.

Slipping can cause injuries such as soft tissue damage, lacerations, head injuries and even broken bones. A hit to the head caused by a slip can even cause someone to be knocked unconscious and later cause concussion.

Slipping hazards can be anywhere. It may be that you are/ have been on a night out, maybe dancing in a night club, and slipped on a spillage negligently left uncleaned on the floor. It may be that you are completing your weekly shop and have slipped on a spillage in an aisle which has been left un-cleaned, not sectioned off, and unattended. Many of our clients have slipped on floors either at work or even in restaurants whereby the floors have been cleaned and a wet floor sign has not been placed at the area warning people of the hazard. All of the above could potentially make for a claim for compensation.

If you have suffered a slip accident it is important to report the incident to someone as an accident book may need to be filled in. You may want to check for witnesses to the accident and obtain their contact details as they may be able to provide valuable support to any later claim you have.

The advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer should be sought; this should be done directly with a law firm. I say directly as there are many referral agents in the marketplace wanting your business. If you give this to them they may simply sell your claim onto the law firm who will pay the most for it rather than the firm who will give you the best service.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with slip claims. We do not deal with referral agents and all of our clients come to us direct. We work under a genuine no win no fee agreement.

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