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Bus Accident Claims

I have read in the Birmingham Mail today that an elderly pensioner Ms Tyler, has received £25,000 in compensation having been injured by a bus.  It is reported that Ms Tyler, 82, got off at a bus at a bus stop in the city centre when the bus pulled away, not realising she had yet to get fully off the bus.  The bus driver braked; however, Ms Tyler suffered severe injuries to her head and sustained a neurological injury as a result of being thrown to the floor.  Ms Tyler not only suffered these awful injuries but was homebound for approximately six months and still has problems with her mobility.

As Ms Tyler said herself, ‘The accident really knocked me for six…I now have trouble getting around my own home and had to make adaptations such as a special chair for me to get in and out of and aids to help me get in and out of the bath…I was really sprightly for my age before the accident and didn’t need any of these mobility aids.  I’d still do all my own decorating and cleaning, and would be able to pop and see my family by myself…Now I have to rely on the Ring and Ride service to get me from place to place as even the short walk to my normal bus stop is too much for me.’

As you can see for yourself, Ms Tyler’s accident has had a major impact on her life.  The £25,000 she has received in compensation will take this into account.  This is because it is not just purely injuries that are sustained through an accident that you are able to recover by way of compensation.  If you have suffered any loss subsequent to your accident, it may well be that you are entitled to make a claim to receive compensation that can go someway in putting you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have occurred.  For example, in this case, Ms Tyler’s compensation would have included any financial losses she has had in the form of help around the house and from travel fees.

If you have had an accident, your professional and quality injury lawyer will advise you of all the ‘heads’ of losses that you may make a claim for.  At The Injury Lawyers, this is certainly something that we do not overlook.  If you have suffered a loss of earnings, have incurred heavy travel expenses, or have suffered a loss of enjoyment for example, these are all things we can help you obtain compensation for.

If you have had an accident that you do not consider to be your fault, and you have been injured as a result, it is more than likely that you will have a claim for compensationThe Injury Lawyers can provide you with some expert free legal advice so that you know whether you have a claim or not.

There is absolutely no harm in giving us a call because there are no obligations on yourself to instruct us – and if it turns out that we do not believe you have a viable claim, it has not cost you anything to find out.  And should you find that you do have a claim, that quick free phone call can set you on your way to receiving the thousands of pounds in compensation that you may be entitled to receive.

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