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Specialist Personal Injury Lawyers

I am guessing that after an accident you may feel fragile and not up to the task of choosing which injury lawyer to take your claim. Well, this is why we write these informative blogs – to educate and hopefully relieve the stress of being sat for hours in front of the internet assessing the pro’s and con’s of a multitude of personal injury lawyers.

When looking for a personal injury lawyer, there are a few things that you should look out for:

  1. 100% of your compensation: you should not accept anything less than your full amount of compensation. Compensation is meant to put you in the position you would have been in had the accident never have happened – if a portion of what you are entitled to is taken away, you are losing out.
  2. No deductions: always check that a no win no fee agreement is free of any hidden charges – this means you have to read it thoroughly; don’t just trust the law firm. A good place to check is if your solicitors’ costs are restricted. If they are, it means they cannot come to you for any outstanding amounts they have been unable to get from the other side for a winning claim.
  3. Service standards: Checking what policies you solicitor has in place for client care will show you how much they prioritise good service. Good service may mean the difference between having a hassle-free claim to having to chase your solicitor everyday to see what is going on or to asking them to do something.  Being given a good service may also mean that your case progresses quicker, as it is not been left to stagnate with letters going un-replied to for weeks.

The above list is really a must-do list when approaching a personal injury claim – I have set out below a couple of extra things you may wish to look out for with a law firm –

Medical intervention: Many good law firms will arrange private medical treatment at no cost to you. This treatment could include physiotherapy, chiropractic or osteopathic treatment. This treatment can be arranged somewhere close to your home, to make it as hassle free as possible for you.

Other services: again some law firms will even arrange vehicle hire if your car is left damaged and in need of repairs after an accident.

If you have any questions regarding the above please feel free to give us a call and we will be happy to help.

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