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Losses Information

Many of our clients when they approach us at The Injury Lawyers are aware that they may have a claim for compensation. What they are often not aware of is the extent to which they may claim back other losses that they have incurred as result of their accident. A good personal injury lawyer will advise of claims for further losses from the outset of a claim; the reason being that in many cases the losses are ongoing, and we want our clients to keep all the necessary receipts and other supporting documentation safe to help support the claim.

Once all the losses information is collated, it is at this point a Schedule of Loss may be drafted by your lawyer. A Schedule of Loss, or Schedule of Special Damages as they are sometimes called, is a document which sets out all your losses information and is disclosed to the other side in order to invite offers. Losses are normally dealt with separately to your injury compensation – so this is an item which is not included in the document.

I have set out below some of the items which are more commonly seen on a Schedule of Loss:

  1. Loss of Earnings: if you have been off work as a result of your accident, and you have not been paid, or have received a reduced amount of pay, then you may have a loss of earnings claim. This claim is normally calculated on an average of 13 weeks wage slips pre-dating your accident. If you are self-employed, this average is calculated over a period of 3 years profit and loss accounts.
  2. Treatment costs – a good specialist personal injury law firm may organise private medical treatment for you. At The Injury Lawyers, we are able to do this at the early stages of your claim at no cost to yourself. If you win your claim this cost can be claimed back from the other side. If you lose your claim these costs are covered by insurance.
  3. Care and assistance – if you have required the assistance of a carer as a result of your injuries, then you may have a claim for care and assistance. The care you receive can be claimed back at an hourly rate and any amount received should be paid to your carer.
  4. Miscellaneous expenses – this item recognises the ongoing, frequent, small amounts that you may be incurring as a result of your accident. This can include phone calls, postage costs, and photocopying.
  5. Other – other costs may include travel expenses and prescription costs.

The above is not an exhaustive list – so if you require any further information, please feel free to give us a call at The Injury Lawyers.

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