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Road Traffic Accident Claiming

Road traffic accidents are on the increase in many parts of the UK.  This is no surprise as  many road users out there may have noticed the ever increasing amount of traffic on the roads today. This, coupled with the fact that everyone has busier and busier lives and so seem to be always rushing, means that the roads are clogged with drivers that may not be paying the necessary care and attention on the road.

This increase in road traffic accidents is one of the reasons there has been a new system put in place to deal with road traffic accidents that took place after 30th April 2010. This system makes claiming quicker, simpler, and more stream-lined – this can only be good news to any potential road traffic accident claimant out there.

The new system is set up into a 3 stage process and is completed electronically so correspondence is exchanged instantaneously. The first stage begins with the Claim Notification Form. This is the first item a defendant will receive regarding your claim which sets out the accident circumstances amongst several items of important information. The matter is normally dealt with by the Defendant’s insurance company whom have 15 days to respond to the Claim Notification Form giving a decision as to whether they admit or deny liability. This is in stark contrast to the nearly 4 month period the insurers have under the old system.

If the insurers admit liability, the matter then moves to Stage 2. In Stage 2 your solicitor may organise for a medical examination to be conducted – the medic carrying out the examination will them produce a report of your injuries, including all the effects the accident has had on your life. Your solicitor will also begin to collate information on any financial losses you have suffered as a result of your accident – an example of this would be any loss of earnings you have suffered as a result of having time of due to your accident. This information is then disclosed to the other side with an initial offer to settle the claim.

If, on the other hand, liability was denied on your claim, it does not necessarily mean your claim has come to an end. Your solicitor may assess the prospects of the claim, and if they feel that they are good enough, they may continue with it and fight for your compensation.

If you would like any further information on how your road accident claim will progress, feel free to give us a call.

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