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Accidents at Work

Having an accident at work can be a traumatic event – especially when it was not your fault.  You may feel that you are entitled to bring a claim for compensation, but you are reluctant as you do not know what the reactions of the more senior colleagues at work would be. Well, this is why we are here to act on your behalf – and it should be borne in mind that employers should have insurance in place to deal with matters such as these.

Employers should also be appreciative that a matter of health and safety has been brought to their attention, giving them the chance to rectify it and so avoiding further accidents in the future.

Employers do have a duty to protect their employees from risks to their health and safety. Employers should take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with strict health and safety standards. So, if you have had an accident at work that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation.

General workplace safety

Your workplace should be set up and maintained in such a way that allows you to carry out your work safely. A good example of this would be in a warehouse where boxes are being opened and a lot of refuse is created as a result. There should be refuse points located in the workplace to ensure it can be disposed of safely, and not left on the floor for someone to trip over.  Employees should also be trained in rubbish disposal and maybe even regular checks made to ensure that walkways are clear.

Manual Tasks

If your job involves manual handling tasks, you should be properly trained in how to complete the tasks safely. A good example of this would be heavy lifting – employees completing such tasks should be trained in how to complete the tasks correctly, thus causing the least stress to their bodies as possible. Another example would be repetitive, manual tasks – in order to avoid conditions such as repetitive strain injury, employers should ensure that regular breaks are taken, and the work is as diverse as it possibly can be.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, is an umbrella term which can cover a whole host of items ranging from protective headgear, to safety goggles, to respirators – basically anything which reduces the risks to your health and safety. PPE should be issued as a last resort if no other method can protect the employee as well as the PPE or better.

If you have any questions about your accident at work feel free to give us a call.

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