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No Win, No Fee blog

If you instruct The Injury Lawyers to deal with your claim for compensation, and this claim is successful, you keep 100% of your compensation, and not a penny less.  In other words, the legal services we provide to our clients is at no cost to them. Yes, we do have our costs to consider, but these will certainly not be something for which you are accountable for. 

But, how do you know we won’t go back on our word and charge you? Well, firstly, we are an honest and reputable personal injury law firm with thousands of happy clients, and secondly we enter into an agreement, a contract if you like, with our clients that specifically excludes our ability to seek our costs from them!

Your compensation is just that. Yours! We deal with compensation claims on a daily basis, and have done so for many, many years – we are only too aware that the purpose of compensation is to put you back in the position you would have been in had the accident not have occurred.  If we were to take even a penny from your compensation for ourselves, that would serve to leave you undercompensated.  We consider this unpalatable, and our genuine no win, no fee agreements mean that you keep the whole of your compensation – guaranteed.

Although we do not charge our clients, we do, where your claim is successful, recover costs from the other side.  So, if we have carried out a substantial amount of work, we are able to charge the other side’s insurers or solicitors for the bill.  This is one of the reasons we will never charge you a penny for your claim.

Ok, so what if your claim is unsuccessful?  How would we get our money back if we cannot recover it from the other side?  Would we then seek to recover our costs from you: our client? No, absolutely not.  We take out an insurance policy at the beginning of your claim in the event that your claim should be unsuccessful.  This way we are able to recover some of our costs and can therefore provide our clients with a genuine, totally free of charge service.

We not only offer a completely free service, but we can also proudly state that we employ only quality injury lawyers with years of experience in dealing with cases for personal injury.  If you choose to instruct The Injury Lawyers, you can be rest assured that your case is being dealt with fast and effectively by a highly trained individual who will fight tooth and nail for your cause.

If you have been involved in any kind of accident through no fault of your own, and you have consequently sustained injury and loss, it is not only vital that you seek the advice of a quality personal injury lawyer, it is also important that this personal injury lawyer ensures you that you get to keep all of your compensation: guaranteed.

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