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Untraced or Uninsured Road Accident Claims

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation. The key phrase in this sentence is that ‘the accident was not your fault’.  Many people that have been involved in a road accident that was due to the other driver not using the necessary care and attention and was badly injured as a result, may feel the injustice of it, and also the frustration of the whole ordeal. These feelings are further amplified if the other driver either does not have insurance and / or speeds off into the distance neglecting to leave his / her details, or even to check if you are ok.

If this happens, you may think “well, how can I possibly have a claim?” – at The Injury Lawyers, we are happy to tell such claimants that they may indeed have a claim through the Motor Insurers Bureau; or MIB for short. The MIB are an organisation funded by motor insurers. The MIB have calculated that between £15 and £30 of our premiums go to funding them.  The MIB will not only consider compensation payouts for injuries, but also the cost of repairing your vehicle damages caused by the accident.

If you have been involved in such an accident where they other party is not insured, or has fled the scene, taking some actions to strengthen your claim is made all the more important. I have set out a few key actions which could be taken:

  1. Reporting the accident to the Police – this allows the Police to fill out a report of the accident. All details of the accident should be given as fully and as accurately as possible, as a police report can be used as evidence for your claim.
  2. Seeking medical attention – this should be done as soon as possible after a claim, as it allows the medic to assist with your injuries, and also make a record in your medical notes.
  3. Checking for witnesses – if any witnesses are present, you should gain their contact details as their evidence may be valuable to you later.
  4. Seeking the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer  – seeking the advice of a law firm directly with the firm itself  is advisable. I say this as there are many referral agents out there who act as middlemen, by simply selling your claim on. The law firm they sell your claim onto may simply be the firm paying the highest amount, rather than the firm who can give you the best standards of service.

If you have any further questions regarding your road traffic accident claim then please  give us a call.

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