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Serious Road Accident Solicitors

Over the weekend I read about the tragic story of Mr Andrew Chin who was left with severe brain injuries after a horrendous road traffic accident in June 2008.  The Daily Post reports that Mr Chin was sat in his car which was parked in a lay-by when another car collided into his rear.  As a result, Mr Chin’s head went straight into his steering wheel and his brain suffered a bleed

Incredibly, despite Mr Chin having only a one in ten chance of survival and spending two weeks on a life support machine, he survived.  That said, Mr Chin has since suffered severe memory loss, and requires round the clock assistance in his everyday life.  In a recent judgment at the Liverpool Crown Court, Mr Chin was awarded £3.6million in compensation.  The negligent third party driver has also since been found guilty of driving without due care and attention.

It is not for every road traffic accident that the innocent and injured party will receive such a vast sum in compensation.  In fact, in many straightforward Road Traffic Accident cases with relatively minor injuries, you are likely to receive less than £10,000 in compensation.  The reason Mr Chin was awarded such a large sum was to take in to account his need for future care.  As Mr Chin’s wife says, the accident has ‘turned our lives upside down as its robbed Andrew of his independence…He still has to have rehabilitation for his head injury and physical injuries…every day…To know we will always be looked after is a huge relief for us all.’  The compensation also took into account Mr Chin’s loss of earning.  Prior to the accident Mr Chin had been in the Territorial Army as a driver; something he will never be able to resume.

The Injury Lawyers are a team of personal injury experts with years and years of compensation claims experience.  We have particular expertise in the field of Road Traffic Accidents, and we know exactly how to deal with such claims, whatever the size.  Not only will we fight tooth and nail for compensation for the injuries you have suffered, but we will also make a claim for compensation for any other losses that have resulted from your accident.  This may be for loss of earnings, the need for care and assistance, loss of enjoyment of any hobbies or activities, and any other expenses that may have subsequently been incurred.  If you instruct The Injury Lawyers to deal with your claim, you will be in safe hands.  Nothing will be overlooked, and you are guaranteed to keep 100% of all the compensation you are entitled to claim for.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident which you believe is not your fault, and you have suffered an injury as a result, no matter how small or big, get in touch with us today for some free, independent, no obligation legal advice.  It is likely that this will be the first step in you receiving the thousands of pounds in compensation you may deserve.

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