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Uninsured Injury Claims

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident, and it was not your fault, or even if you consider that you are only a small part to blame, it is likely that you may be able to make a claim for compensation if you have suffered an injury.As all drivers in the United Kingdom are required to have motor insurance by law, in almost every case where you are entitled to compensation, this compensation will be provided by the negligent party’s insurers. 

So – What happens if the other side does not have insurance? Does this mean that you are left uncompensated? You are aware that if they had insurance then you would receive compensation; but it would seem because they have no insurance, that you have no where to get your compensation from.  Do not worry – It would be entirely unjust if you were to be denied compensation because the other side did not have insurance. It would be like letting them off the hook, which is something that cannot be encouraged in any instance.  This is why the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) was set up – to help compensation the victims of uninsured and untraced drivers.

The MIB was set up back in 1949, and through funding received from people’s insurance premiums (roughly £15-30 of your insurance premium goes to the MIB each year), they have been able to settle over 50,000 claims each year.  So, if you have been injured at the hands of a negligent third party driver, how do you go about making your claim for compensation?  Well, your first step should be to get in touch with a quality injury lawyer with years of experience specifically in dealing with road traffic accident claims.  They will be able to take you through the whole process – no problem at all.

Making a claim through the MIB involves submitting a claim form to them.  Do not worry if you are unsure how to do this, because your professional injury lawyer will be on hand to take you through each step – at least this is certainly the case at The Injury Lawyers.  What’s more, should you choose to instruct The Injury Lawyers to deal with your claim for compensation, we will update you at least every two weeks to let you know exactly how your case is progressing, and we are on hand between 9am and 10pm each weekday, and 9am and 5pm on weekends, to answer any queries you may have.  So: if you want a no obligation chat for some free legal advice, why not give The Injury Lawyers a call today?

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