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Financial Losses as a Result of your Accident

When clients first approach us at The Injury Lawyers, we tend to get asked questions like – ‘well , what do you think my claim is worth?’.  This can be difficult to answer, as to value a claim we would require a medical report, and further detail of how the accident and subsequent injuries have affected their life. The potential claimant may also not have recovered fully from their injuries, and so the full length of suffering is not known. We may, however, be able to give a ball park figure in the event the case is successful.

When a client asks these questions, we would also enquire about their financial losses which were accrued as a result of the accident. This is a subject clients tend to be unaware of, and so it can require much explanation. This is why I am writing this blog today – in order to aid understanding and awareness of these losses.

Financial losses can come in many shapes and forms; I have listed three of the most common types below:

  1. Loss of earnings: if you have been absent from work, going unpaid or on a reduced rate of pay such as SSP, then you may be entitled to claim for a loss of earnings. This can make up a large proportion of a person’s claim, especially if they have been absent from work for some time.
  2. Care and assistance: if you have required the assistance of a carer, family member, or friend, in tasks such as personal care, or daily household chores, then you may claim their time back at an hourly rate. It must be of note that, due to the nature of the claim being difficult to quantify, you may not be able to claim back all of what you request. Any money claimed is then payable to the carer/carers.
  3. Treatment costs: if you have required treatment for injuries suffered as a result of your accident, you may be able to claim the cost of this back. At The Injury Lawyers, we are able to arrange treatment such as physiotherapy, osteopathic treatment, or chiropractic treatment at the early stages of a client’s claim. This treatment is at no cost to them, as depending on whether they win or lose their claim, it is paid by the other side, or covered by insurance.

This is by no means an exhaustive list; if you require any further information, please feel free to get in touch.

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