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Product and Service Liability

If you have been injured due to a faulty product or a dodgy service, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

We have something called the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 that is designed to ensure that any good or service you receive is fit and safe for use / purpose. Nowadays, all products must undergo rigorous testing and checking to ensure there is no way anyone can be injured. When it comes to services, those providing them should be fully qualified and trained, with a good knowledge of health and safety to ensure no rule or regulation is ever broken.

The main problem is that we all tend to implicitly trust a product we buy or a service we use. When you tuck in to that sandwich from your local supermarket, how do you know that it wasn’t accidentally dropped on the floor before being packaged? How do you know that the builder who has just completed your new garage extension has built it properly? How do you know that the shop who have just returned your laptop from repair put the wires back in properly?

The thing is – you don’t! So, we all must place our trust that the right thing has been done.

And if it hasn’t, and you end up hurt, you can make a claim. If a product is defective, you should look to the provider of it first – don’t let them tell you to go to the manufactures directly. Under the above Act, it is the sellers who can be vicariously liable – so you can get your compensation directly from them or their insurers.

But, the first piece of important advice is to get in touch with an expert firm of specialist personal injury lawyers. In this kind of scenario, it’s key to ensure you have a lawyer on your side to look out for you and protect your best interests. Not that I am insinuation such a thing would occur, but what if you sent your product back to the manufacturer or provider for inspection and it “never turned up” or it “turned up and was fine and safe to use” …

Furthermore, you’ll need a lawyer to get you the compensation you deserve. There are a million and one ways you can be injured by a product or a service. A good injury lawyer will make sure to arrange private medical care at no cost to you from the outset of your claim, as well as making sure you get the maximum compensation you are entitled to receive.

It’s not just about getting you your compensation; it’s about getting you back on the road to recovery. When it comes to the faulty product or the dodgy service, it’s about making sure it never happens again. With a good injury lawyer, there are no costs for you to pay whether the claim wins or loses – ever.

For advice as to whether you have a claim for compensation, call in for a free, no obligation chat about your options for claiming.

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