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Claiming for Compensation

So – how do you make a claim for compensation?

The best thing you can possibly do is to get in touch with a quality injury lawyer who specialises solely in personal injury claims, and who has years and years of experience.  They are best able to help you through your claim for compensation.  After all, they do this everyday for a living.  This professional injury lawyer will also be able to provide you with free legal advice to make sure that you have excellent prospects of success for your claim.

If your injury lawyer genuinely believes that you have a claim for compensation, they ask you for all the detailed circumstances of your accident so that they can produce a letter of claim.  A letter of claim is the first contact you – well, the injury lawyers on your behalf – have with the other side; that is the negligent third party.  This letter will detail the exact nature of your accident, the location of your accident, and details of your injury.  It will then proceed to set out why we believe the Defendant is negligent and is therefore responsible for your injuries and should pay you compensation. 

Under the Pre-Action Protocol for Personal Injury claims, the other side has a period of 21 days to acknowledge receipt of this letter.  As soon as they do they are then allowed a period of three months to investigate your claim – normally through their insurers or solicitors.

Is your claim really going to take almost four months to establish liability? No – not necessarily.  This is purely the period of time the other side are allowed to have as a maximum.  They could acknowledge your letter of claim in 7 days, then hold their hands up and admit liability in a further 7 days time.  Your claim could be settled at any point between the submission of your letter of claim and the end of the three month period for investigations.

At The Injury Lawyers we are well aware of how important it is to keep you up-to-date with the progress of your claim.  That is why we update you at least every 14 days.  This is on top of the fact that we never charge you a penny for our work – we work on a genuine no win, no fee agreement which means we cannot charge you if we win your case or should it not be successful.

Give The Injury Lawyers a call today for some confidential legal advice to make your first steps for a successful compensation claim.

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