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Claiming for a Road Accident

Not a day goes by where I don’t hear about a road traffic accident occurring. With driving 70 miles a day to get to and from work, I often either see an accident, or hear about one on the traffic news updates on the radio. I should imagine that this increase in accidents is due to the increased amount of traffic on the roads with people rushing to get to their destinations.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for personal injury. Even if the negligent driver fled the scene without leaving his details, or was uninsured, you can still claim; but the system is different to what I am going to describe below.

How does making a claim work?

If your accident took place after 30th April 2010, and it is between a certain value, your claim is run through the new fast track system for Road Traffic Accident Claims.  This system is run electronically through an online portal, and thus means that all correspondence is received instantaneously. The system also means that you should get a decision regarding liability within 15 business days of submitting a Claim Notification Form – this is a form which your solicitor will help you fill out. This is in stark contrast to the system of old, where it may have taken up to 4 months to receive a decision.

The admission of liability, i.e. the other side admitting fault, is the biggest hurdle of your claim; once this is received, it tends to remove a lot of the stress from the Claimant – hence why this fast track system is so beneficial to both claimants and lawyers alike. Once an admission of liability is received, your solicitor should then arrange for you to be medically examined and collate all you losses.

Added extras of claiming for compensation…

Many good law firms try to set themselves apart by offering extra services to their clients. These services can include arranging private medical treatment for their clients. At The Injury Lawyers we are able to arrange private treatment such as Physiotherapy, Osteopathic, and Chiropractic assistance at the early stages of your claim. This treatment is at no cost to you – whether you win or lose your claim, the costs are either covered by the other side, or by insurance.

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