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Whiplash Injury Compensation

Whiplash can be an extremely debilitating condition, which can leave the sufferer unable to carry out their life as they normally would do.  This can mean that they may not be able to work, socialise with friends, or carry out their normal daily household tasks.  All this can be due to the fault of someone else – at The Injury Lawyers, we tend to see whiplash more as a result of a road traffic accident than any other accident.


The symptoms of whiplash can be widespread, and differ from person to person. I have listed some of the main symptoms below:

  • Tenderness, stiffness, and / or pain around the neck area
  • Pain radiating down the back and / or through the shoulders
  • Pins and needle sensations down the arms
  • Severe, recurrent headaches

Whiplash can be an unpredictable condition – by this, I mean that a doctor could predict that you will recover in 6 months, when 12 months down the line, you are still in pain. This is why it can be essential to gain the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer – a solicitor would normally advise you not to settle your claim before you have recovered (or recovered a much as you are ever going to). The reason for this is that it is not in your best interest to settle on a full and final basis (i.e. you cannot then go back for more) based on a medical report stating you will recover in 6 months, when there is the possibility that you will suffer longer, and may need further treatment – at this point, your claim is likely to be worth more, and you can no longer claim for the costs of this treatment if you settle too early.


There are a number of ways in which a solicitor will value your claim; I have listed some of these below:

  1. A medical report – this assesses the extent of your injuries, as well as the effects these have had on all areas of your life.
  2. The experience, knowledge, and expertise of an expert personal injury lawyer.
  3. JSB guidelines – these guidelines categorise whiplash injuries into bands for the purposes of valuation. These bands are:
  4. Minor Whiplash Injuries – between £875 to £5,150
    Moderate Whiplash Injuries – range from £5,150 to £16,400
    Severe Whiplash Injuries – range up to anywhere in the region of £97,000.

If you require any further information regarding your whiplash claim, feel free to give us a call.

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