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Genuine No Win, No Fee Agreement

At The Injury Lawyers, we work on a genuine no win, no fee agreement.  This means that we never charge our clients a penny for our work, and that they get to keep 100% of their compensation.  If your claim is successful, you will receive compensation. 

Some other solicitor firms may want to take a percentage of your compensation to pay for their costs of undertaking your claim.  At The Injury Lawyers, we do not charge our clients whatsoever.  If you are owed £10,000 in compensation, you will receive the full £10,000.  What’s more, in the unlikely event that you lose your claim, we still do not charge you for our work.  That is why if you instruct us to deal with your claim, you enter into a genuine no win, no fee agreement with us – as you are never charged for our work.

There are a few reasons as to why we never charge our clients.  Firstly, and importantly, we believe that is unpalatable.  If we were to take some of your compensation, that would be the same as allowing your claim to be under-settled.  At The Injury Lawyers, we vow to get you the maximum compensation that you deserve.  If we are to take even 1% of your compensation, or even 1 penny, that would leave you undercompensated.  We do not believe in that approach, and so we specifically write into our agreement with you that we can not seek to recover our costs from you if we fail to recover them from the other side.  This is different from most other personal injury lawyers, who in their agreement may state that they may only seek to recover their costs from you.  This is not to say that they will charge you for their work, but if they chose to, they could, as they only have to seek, i.e. try, to get their costs back from the other side.  The Injury Lawyers rule that out

Secondly, another reason we do not charge our clients is because we only take on claims if we genuinely believe that they will be successful. What this means is that we rarely lose our cases, and can therefore recover our costs from the other side, meaning that we do not have to charge you, our valued client.  The other reason we can afford not to charge our clients is because, in the unlikely event that your case is not successful, we are covered by an insurance policy which we are obliged to take out which enables us to get some of our costs back.

If you want the maximum compensation you deserve, and you want to keep the whole of the compensation that is owed to you, instruct The Injury Lawyers on our genuine no win, no fee agreement

Give us a call today and we will be happy to give you some free legal advice and send our paperwork out for you to make sure that you are happy for us to act on your behalf.

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