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Road Accident Claims Guide

It seems like we hear about road accidents occurring everyday – whether it be on traffic news updates on the radio, seeing reports in the newspapers, or hearing about them on the news. It seems that the sad fact is that road traffic accidents are a constantly common occurrence.

If you have been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for compensation. This blog aims to illustrate the ease in which you can now bring a claim for a road traffic accident, as well as the added benefits that making a claim can bring.

How does the claims process work?

If your road traffic accident occurred after the 30th April 2011, it may be eligible to go into the new system of road accident claiming. This system is all electronic – thus meaning that correspondence is received simultaneously between each party to the claim. This means that the claims process is simpler, more streamlined, and even more importantly, it’s faster!  A claim in this system is begun by filling out a Claim Notification Form, or CNF as its more informally known – a process which a good law firm will talk you though and sort out as much as possible on your behalf.  This new faster system has enabled the Ministry of Justice to give the defending party to claims less time to complete their investigations. In actual fact, the other side now have 15 business days from the CNF being submitted to respond with their decision regarding liability. With the old system, the other side had nearly 4 months to give this decision! The decision on liability is the first major hurdle of your claim, so having this knowledge sooner rather than later means a lot of stress is relieved from the claimant.

Once liability has been admitted on your claim, your solicitor will then arrange for you to be medically examined, and will also collate your financial losses in order to make an offer of settlement to the other side.

What are the other benefits of making a claim?


At The Injury Lawyers we tend to see injuries such as whiplash being a common result of a road traffic accidents. Whiplash can be an extremely debilitating condition and often treatment is required to relieve the symptoms of it. This is why we offer to arrange private medical treatment at no cost to you, as win or lose, your claim the costs either get covered by the other side, or by insurance.

Vehicle repair and hire…

At The Injury Lawyers we aim to provide a full a service as possible. This is why we arrange for those added extra services, such as vehicle repairs and replacement hire vehicles; thus taking the inconvenience and hassle away from you.

If you have any further questions about your road traffic accident claim, feel free to give us call.

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