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Expert Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured in an accident which was not your fault, and you believe you have a potentially successful claim for compensation, it is important that you have an expert injury lawyer on your side.  Only this way will you be able to obtain the maximum compensation that you deserve in the shortest possible time. At The Injury Lawyers, we are experts in the field of personal injury claims, having dealt with thousands of cases over many years, and getting our clients the maximum compensation they deserve.  Here is a quick guide as to what you should be looking for in an injury lawyer:

You must keep 100% of your compensation

If you do not receive 100% of the compensation which has been agreed for your accident, this is the same as having your claim under-settled.  If your lawyers are to take even a penny away from your compensation, you are undercompensated.  At The Injury Lawyers, we do not believe in charging our clients for our services whatsoever.  That is why we work on a genuine no win, no fee agreement, which means that we will never charge you for our work.  Before you instruct an injury lawyer, please have a good read through their paperwork.  You must make sure that you keep all of your compensation, and that you are definitely not being charged any lawyers fees

We at The Injury Lawyers specifically state in our agreement that we cannot seek to recover our costs from you for a winning claim.  We are aware that other law firms merely state that that they will seek to recover their costs from the other side.  In reality, this means that, yes, they will try not to charge you; however, should they not get all their fees, they may choose to pursue you for any outstanding balance!  So – Watch out!

Service levels

At The Injury Lawyers, we truly know how important it is to our clients that they are always kept up-to-date with the progress of their claim.  As such, we say to our clients that we will endeavour to update you at least every 14 days to ensure that you know what is going on with your claim.  Even better, if you send us an email or call in, we will endeavour to respond within 24 hours.  Can other injury lawyers commit to such superb service levels?

Medical treatment

Where you have been injured in an accident, it may be that your injuries require treatment.  The Injury Lawyers are aware that NHS waiting lists can be lengthy, so we can offer and arrange free private medical treatment at no cost to yourself as part of your claim.  So if you need a bit of physiotherapy or osteopathy for example, we may well be able to help you out.  This is an important consideration if you want to recover in the fastest time possible.

Vehicle repairs

If you have been involved in a road accident, you will no doubt be keen to get your car back in shape.  When looking for an injury lawyer, see if they can help get your vehicle repaired.  At The Injury Lawyers, we offer a road accident assistance service at no costs to you.

If you want any further information about the excellent and unique service offered by The Injury Lawyers, why not give us a free call today?  We would be more than happy to help you out.

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