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Road Accident Claims

Sadly, road traffic accidents are a frequent occurrence on our roads.  Often it is just the motor vehicles involved that are damaged, and then it is a matter for your insurer and the other party’s insurer to sort it out.  Granted, it can be a huge inconvenience.  However, people often get injured in road accidents too.  It is not purely vehicles which are damaged.  If you have been involved in a road accident which was not your fault, but the fault of a negligent third party driver, and you have been injured as a result, then in all likelihood you may well have a claim for compensation for the injuries that you have suffered.

Making this claim for compensation is actually pretty straightforward.  Before April 2010, it could take a matter of months for your claim to be dealt with and settled; now, under a new protocol for low value personal injury claims which arise from a road traffic accident, your claim can be settled in only a matter of weeks or just a few months.  Unlike the previous protocol where the other side could take a period of around 4 months to investigate your claim, under this new protocol, they have a period of only 15 business days to admit or deny liability for your accident once they have received notice of your claim.

The first step is to complete what is know as a Claims Notification Form.  This is a straightforward document in which your personal details and other accident details are required.  Don’t worry if you do not like forms – at The Injury Lawyers, our quality injury lawyers are always at your beck and call to give you a hand.  Once this is completed, the claim form is submitted online to the other side’s insurer.  They then have a period of 1 business day to acknowledge receipt and commence their investigations.  During the next 15 days, they will come back to your injury lawyer with an admission or denial of liability.

Where liability is admitted, as is often the case with claims that we progress at The Injury Lawyers, we will request that a medical report be compiled along with details of any losses directly related to your accident to be calculated.  Your medical report and Schedule of Loss will then be forwarded to the other side’s insurers, and your injury lawyer will negotiate the maximum compensation you deserve.

At The Injury Lawyers, we can often help beat NHS waiting lists and get you some free medical treatment privately right from the start of the claim.  This will no doubt aid your recovery, meaning that any suffering you have will not last as long.  So if you believe you have a potential claim arising from a road traffic accident, give The Injury Lawyers a call today on 0800 634 7575 for some free no obligations legal advice.

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