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Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash can be a condition which is underestimated by those who have never experienced it. This may be due to the fact that it is not so plain to see as a broken bone or a laceration to the skin. At The Injury Lawyers, we take the exact opposite approach, and treat whiplash with the seriousness it deserves, as our clients tell us on a daily basis the devastating effects that it has on all areas of their lives.

In order to discuss the symptoms of whiplash, you need to firstly address the causes of the condition. Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolt to the head and neck, which in turn causes the neck to move beyond its normal range. This movement causes muscles and tendons in the neck to be damaged; thus leaving the person with symptoms that I will outline below.

The symptoms of whiplash tend to become apparent between 6-12 hours (or even more) after the accident has taken place, and then can increase in severity for up to a week.  Whiplash is experienced by different people in different ways – I have gone onto list the more common symptoms below:

  • Pain, tenderness and / or stiffness in the neck
  • Pain radiating down the shoulders and / or into the back
  • Pin and needles type sensations in the arms
  • Severe, recurrent headaches
  • Reduced or even no mobility in the neck

With regard to recovery from these symptoms, this can again differ depending on the person and the severity of the accident. It is in this way that whiplash is known to be extremely unpredictable, and one of the main reasons why getting a specialist personal injury lawyer with experience in whiplash can be crucial. I use an example to illustrate my point:

Joe has been in a road traffic accident, and he has suffered whiplash as a result. Liability has been admitted on his claim, and he has a medical report stating he will recover in 12 months. Joe decides to settle his claim based on the contents of the medical report. Two years down the line however, Joe is still in pain.  Due to his ongoing pain, Joe’s GP has recommended further treatment but the NHS waiting list is 3 months. If Joe had not settled his claim, it would now be of a higher value, and he may also have had private treatment organised at no cost to him with a good lawyer – meaning he would not have to wait on the NHS waiting list. Joe settled his claim on a full and final basis, so he cannot go back and ask for more. He has essentially undervalued his claim.

If you would like any further information regarding your claim for whiplash please do not hesitate to give us a call.

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