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What is whiplash? How does it affect you? How can you make a claim for it? These are three of the primary questions that people ask about whiplash claims and whiplash injuries. So – Here’s a little advice to help you out!

Whiplash Explained

Whiplash is a general term used to describe the damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons, normally in the neck, back, and shoulders area, from the areas being stretched beyond their normal range of movement. The stretch occurs from a the fast back, forwards, or sideways movement caused normally from a collision or a harsh brake in a vehicle, or even from slipping over and falling fast, or a fall from height.

How Does Whiplash Affect You?

The injury can result in a multitude of symptoms, ranging from pain in the affected areas, stiffness and reduced movement in the affected areas, and can even cause headaches, pins and needles, and sickness. The symptoms of whiplash normally arise sometime after the accident – perhaps 12 – 24 hours. You may wake up the morning after an accident and feel the effects of the injury. Sadly, the symptoms will often get much worse before they get better, and they are difficult to predict when it comes to severity and length of suffering.

Really, the best thing you can do is enlist the help of a physiotherapist, or another appropriate treatment provider, to help ease the symptoms. This can be done privately with a top quality injury lawyer at no expense to you.

How to Make a Whiplash Claim

You need to instruct an expert firm of specialist personal injury lawyers to deal with your case. You need to instruct a firm directly – its best to avoid getting solicitors through insurers and claims companies, as they will normally refer your claim over to a solicitor for a referral fee. This fee is not recoverable from the other side, and will either result in a deduction from your compensation, or a poor level of service as your solicitor is too cash strapped to offer you a good one.

In some cases, the referral fee could be anywhere up to £800! This is a huge amount of money to spend on buying a case. Imagine what an Injury Lawyer direct could do with that money when they spend it on you and not on a wasteful referral fee!

Make sure you get a Genuine No Win No Fee that guarantees you receive 100% of the compensation you are entitled to receive – no deductions, no hidden charges at all. Win or lose, your claim should cost you the princely sum of NOTHING. Not a penny!

With an injury lawyer direct, make sure you get the benefits of a full and spectacular service:

  • Private medical care right from the start at no cost to you – even if it loses
  • Fast Service – regular contact (e.g. every 14 days)
  • Responsive Injury Lawyers – your calls, emails, and letters returned on a same day basis, or within 24 hours
  • Friendly and efficient lawyer that explain the processes and procedures to you in plain and simple English!
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