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Genuine No Win, No Fee Blog

At The Injury Lawyers, it is our firm belief that our clients should receive 100% of their compensation.  In other words, if our client obtains £10,000 in compensation, The Injury Lawyers will not take a penny away from that, and will make sure that you get the whole £10,000.  So – How then do we get paid?  Simple: where your claim is successful, we are able to recover our reasonable costs from the other side, the Defendant.  This is exactly why we never charge our clients a penny; because we can seek our costs from the other side.  Too good to be true?  Read on.

At The Injury Lawyers we work under a genuine no win, no fee agreement with our clients.  This is an agreement with yourselves that specifically states as a contractual term that we cannot recover our costs from the Claimant (i.e. you).  We believe this is rather unique within the legal word.  This is because, although we do not believe many other personal injury law firms would charge their clients for their work, their agreement usually states that they will only seek to recover their costs from the other side; leaving the possibility that if they are unsuccessful in seeking their fees back, they may look to recover their outstanding costs from you!  At The Injury Lawyers, that is not possible.  We have specifically barred ourselves from doing so.  If you have an injury claim and you believe you will be successful, we will send you out our paperwork and you can check for yourself.

What if we lose your claim?  How do we get paid then?

The straight answer is – we don’t get paid at all.  That is why we only take on claims where we genuinely believe that they have great prospects of success.  We very rarely are unsuccessful with our client’s claims, but where we are, we again will not charge you for our work.  We are covered by an insurance premium which allows us to recover some of our costs back.  If you instruct our expert team at The Injury Lawyers, you are safe in the knowledge that we will never charge you a penny for our work, and that we are taking your claim on because we genuinely believe it will be successful.

If you believe you have a potential claim for compensation, and you want an expert injury lawyer on your side who will ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve, get in touch with us today on 0800 634 75 75.  We will be on hand to offer you free, no obligation legal advice. 

Even better, should you instruct us, we will update you a minimum of every 14 days, and may be even able to provide you with some free private medical treatment right from the start where this is necessary

For a great service, call The Injury Lawyers today.

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