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Whiplash Injury

At The Injury Lawyers, we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with whiplash claims – and that is why we can say with confidence that we fight tooth and nail to get you the best possible amount of compensation.


We tend to see whiplash as a result of road traffic accidents more than anything else. This is because whiplash is caused by a sudden jolt to the head which thus causes the neck to move beyond its normal range. The impact felt from a car crash can have this jolting effect on the neck causing damage to muscles and tendons in that area.


The symptoms of whiplash can be wide ranging and different people can feel the effects of the condition in different ways. I have however listed some of the more common symptoms below:

  • Pain, tenderness and/or stiffness in the neck
  • Pain radiating down the shoulders and/or into the back
  • Pin and needles type sensations in the arms
  • Severe, recurrent headaches
  • Reduced or even no mobility in the neck

The symptoms of whiplash often do not become apparent until 6 – 12 hours after the accident has taken place, the pain and discomfort can then increase in severity for up to one week.

What to do next…

So, you have been in a road traffic accident and as a result you have begun to experience symptoms as described above: what should you do next?

  1. Seek medical advice – your GP will not only be able to assist with your injuries but they can also record it in your medical notes, this can provide evidence for your injury and suffering.
  2. Seek the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer – this should be done as soon as possible after your accident whilst the events are still fresh in your mind.

What not to do…

If you wish to begin a claim for your personal injury then there are some tips on what to avoid…

Avoid Legal Expense Insurance (LEI)– this is an extra which insurance companies may tell you is attached to your policy and allows you to have free legal representation in your claim. This may be true but with any no win no fee law firm (as long as you check the agreement) you get a free service. Plus, by taking the offer of LEI this may mean that the insurer then sells your claim on to the highest bidding law firm rather than the firm who will give you the best service.

See here for the truth about the insurers “dirty secret” revealed by former Justice Secretary Jack Straw this week (

Avoid referral agencies – referral agencies are not law firms, they act as middlemen selling on your claim to law firms. So for reasons similar to above it is advisable to go directly to a law firm who you have researched yourself.

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