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Factors To Consider When Valuing Your Whiplash Claim

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Injury LawyersIf you have sustained a whiplash injury through no fault of your own, but because of the negligence of a third party, it is highly likely that you will be entitled to compensation for your injury.  At The Injury Lawyers we realise that a lot of people who get in touch with us regarding making a claim for compensation want to know how much their injury is worth.  As always, we advise at the beginning of their claim for compensation it is almost impossible to put an exact figure on how much their claim is worth, as there are many factors which have to be taken into account in order to properly value your claim.  This is not to say that we cannot give you a general idea as to how much your claim is worth – We can!  According to statistics, for example, Minor Whiplash claims are worth, on average, £2,500.

But here’s the thing – this is a rough average, and normally, one person’s claim is never identical to another.  Each claim must take into account the facts of each case.  Here’s a quick guide as to what factors are considered when valuing your claim:

Pain and suffering: As a rule of thumb, generally, the longer your whiplash injury persists, and the worse it is, the more compensation you will likely be entitled to.  A moderate whiplash injury lasting one year is worth more than a moderate whiplash injury lasting nine months.

Loss of earnings: If you have had a month off work because of your whiplash injury, you will be entitled to a greater sum in compensation than someone with the same whiplash injury who has had no time off work. If you sustain a loss of earnings, you can claim this back as part of your compensation payout.

Care and assistance: If, because of your whiplash injury, you required help around your house, your compensation claim is likely to be greater than someone who has not required any assistance at all.

Treatment costs: Your whiplash injury may have meant that you have undertaken physiotherapy, or some other form of treatment.  Naturally, such treatment comes at a cost.  However, these costs are recoverable, and will form part of the compensation you receive.

These are only a few factors that are taken into account when valuing whiplash claims, and it demonstrates why each person’s compensation amount differs greatly. An injury lawyer will be unable to put a precise figure on the value of your claim from the offset. But, on average, we know that a minor whiplash injury is worth around £2,500.  That said, some people may only receive £1,000, whilst others may get £5,000.  It really does depend on the severity of your whiplash injury and your circumstances.

One thing, however, is that if you instruct The Injury Lawyers to deal with your claim, we will ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve.  This is because we’re experts in the field, and having had the opportunity to properly evaluate your claim, we’ll be able to value it correctly.  But, it is also because we will never charge you a penny for our work, meaning that you will get 100% of the compensation you deserve.  What’s more, The Injury Lawyers do not pay a referral fee for your claim.

As The Daily Mail reported on the 2nd July 2011, where you have suffered a whiplash injury in a car accident, your insurer may have received a ‘referral fee’ from a Solicitor or Claims Management Company, somewhere in the region of £200 to £1,000, for passing on your claim.  What this means is that, straightaway, your legal representative has less money to spend on progressing your claim, or may even try and recoup their money by charging you for some of their fees.  As such, the amount of compensation you would receive for your whiplash injury is far less than you would normally get.  The Injury Lawyers have never paid a ‘referral fee’ for any injury claim, and we never will – making sure you keep 100% of the maximum compensation you deserve every time.

Why not read more about the ‘backhanders’ your insurers may receive for your injury claim at The Daily Mail news article (opens in new window).

My advice – to ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve, and the highest level of service – instruct an independent injury lawyer with integrity! One who does not charge you for your claim, nor pay any referral fee to another company.

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