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Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence nowadays; this may be due to the vulnerable nature of the vehicle, and the fact that it is more difficult to see on the road in comparison to a car or a van.

Again, due to the size, vulnerability, and speed of the vehicle, drivers are often left with serious injuries after an accident. If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, you may have a claim for personal injury. If you have suffered serious injuries then it can mean that your claim is more complex and make take longer to conclude – this is why getting a specialist personal injury lawyer on board with specific experience in serious injury claims can be hugely beneficial.

As complex cases can take longer to conclude, it means that it can take longer for the victim to receive their payout. For many claimants who may be out of work as a result of the accident, and thus not receiving an income, this can mean financial hardship and an inability to meet your current financial obligations. If you were to be in this position, a good lawyer should advise you to seek interim payments. These can be applied for once liability, or fault, has been admitted on your claim, and means that you receive portions of your compensation early before the case has concluded. Statistics show that it is mainly males between the ages of 30-39 that ride motorbikes. This is a portion of the population that are likely to be coming towards the peak of their careers and are supporting young families – this emphasises the importance of interim payments and how vital they can be to an injured victim.

If you suffered serious injuries from an accident, medical treatment is significantly important to get you back to normal life. Many law firms offer services such as arranging private medical treatment for their clients. At The Injury Lawyers, we are actually able to arrange physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic assistance from the early stages of a claim and at no cost to our clients. If the claim wins, we can recover the costs from the other side, and if it loses, the costs are covered by insurance.

If you require any further information regarding your claim, then feel free to give us a call.

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