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Road Accident Claims

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident through no fault of your own, it is likely that you will be entitled to compensation from the negligent third party’s insurance.  What’s more, you could receive this compensation in a matter of weeks or in just a couple of months.  This blog sets out to explain how to go about making a claim for compensation for an injury arising out of a road traffic accident, and to dispel fears that obtaining this compensation could take years.

Once you have consulted a medical expert about your injuries, the best thing you can do if you consider that you should receive compensation for your injuries is to get in touch with an expert and quality injury lawyer who specialises in dealing with road traffic accident claims.  Such lawyers are best placed to progress your claim as they have vast experience in the field and obtain thousands of pounds in compensation for innocent victims of road traffic accidents every day.

Things to consider when instructing your injury lawyer:

  • Make sure they do not charge you a penny for your claim, win or lose
  • Are they able to help you obtain free private medical treatment?
  • How often will they keep you updated regarding your claim?  What are their service levels like?
  • Do they pay referral fees? If so, they will probably offer a limited service in order to recoup this fee
  • Are they experts in the field?

Your instructed injury lawyer will then be able to provide you with any legal advice you require and take you through your claim.

How your claim works:

You will firstly be required to complete, with the help of your injury lawyer, a Claim Notification Form.  This details your accident and is submitted electronically to the other side’s insurers who then have a period of one business day to acknowledge receipt of the form.

Once your Claim Notification Form has been received, the other side have a period of 15 business days to provide their position on liability – in other words, whether they are to admit or deny liability.

Where liability is admitted, you will be required to attend a medical appointment so that a medico-legal report can be compiled.  This allows your claim to be properly valued and will be disclosed, with your permission, to the other side and the process of finalising the details of your compensation begins.

All in all, your claim could be sorted in a matter of weeks or a couple of months.  This is much better than the previous process that was in place a couple of years ago which allowed an investigatory period of nearly four months, meaning that your road traffic accident claim could take nearly a year to finalise; and this is where liability was admitted.

If you have any questions please get in touch today for some further free advice.

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